
“A Tale of Caos*: Overture” is the second installment of this series, following the events from ‘A Tale of Caos: Prelude’.
Terribilia Van Quinn, a.k.a. Terry, is an apprentice technomancer, as much ingenious as she’s impulsive and distracted. Gifted with a fantastic talent, Terry created amazing inventions, among which stands out Heimlich, a talking mechanical owl and her best friend, which follows her in every adventure.
After many ups and downs, Terry finally begun her apprenticeship under the legendary Albion McMaster, known as the greatest technomancer ever, a grumpy and enigmatic man. Now, following her new master, Terry will have to fullfill McMaster’s expectations, following him in a new, great adventure.
McMaster is on the trail of a mysterious artifact, with wich he could accomplish his Great Project.
Will Terry be able to help her master to achieve his goal?
Will Terry be able to actually get what this goal IS?
Will Heimlich be able to prevent her to get in too much trouble?
And I have removed the roast from the oven?
Almost all of this questions will be answered in “A Tale of Caos: Overture”!


“A Tale of Caos*: Prelude” is the first episode of a serial game.
An old style, pixel-art graphic adventure, a steam fantasy adventure in a funny, weird world.
Terry is a young and skilled technomancer, although she often fall in a lot of troubles. Help her to solve her quest, wondering through a fantastic world of monster, mysteries and non-sense humor.
Alchemy, wizardry, kind trolls and witless bandits, giant birds and toxic trees will be just the beginning of your adventure!

Play it on Kongregate.
Play it on Newgrounds.
Play it on GameJolt.

Walkthrough here.

Caos is not a mispelling. It’s not ‘chaos’. It’s Caos.



  • dizzy20 Aug, 2018

    great!keep going!

  • Сергей26 Aug, 2018

    nice your game .

  • Christoph Bast06 Oct, 2019

    Hey guys! Just finished AMOC! Great game! When will ATOC – Symphony be released? If you start a kickstarter project for this I will support you definitively! 🙂

    • Luca Porrino07 Oct, 2019

      Hi Christoph, thanks for the comment: we are very pleased for your enthusiasm!
      It is certainly in our develop queue, but we still don’t know when we will be able to start the development on it.

      Cheers and keep having fun!

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